Really apple this is what you came up with when asked to write an app for media streaming from iTunes. i am so irritated by the craptastic state of this app it is hard for me to form sentences.
so i have an iPad and i have a mac with iTunes that has all my media in it. i can not fit all of that media on my iPad so the obvious solution is to stream it from my mac to my iPad so i can view it in comfort at my leisure. i use Airvideo because it is easy and a very well written app. when iOS 4.3 was released i was super excited because they had said there would be iTunes library sharing for all iOS devices. i was hoping it would be a sleeker version of what Airvideo does built into the video app on the iPad. however i have never been more disappointed in an apple written product in my life.
first of all when you open it the library looks like this.
Please explain to me the organizational paradigm where season 3 of Seinfeld goes next to freaks and geeks and also season 5 of scrubs? i have never seen anything like this. it is quite possibly the biggest clusterfuck of nonsense i have ever seen. how does this code exist. this is how i assume the code is written:
<(are you sure, that seems kind of silly)>
i honestly have no idea who wrote this code but they need to get slapped in the face......really hard.
so it gets worse...much much worse. once you finally find the season of the show you want to watch it opens up to let you view the episodes. logical except this is what you get.
I do not know if anyone knows that much about the office, but Branch Wars most certainly does not come before Fun Run. who the fuck is in charge of this seriously. so not only are the seasons and shows out of order but the episodes are a clusterfuck as well. moving on, one would just think they could muster through and just find the episode they want, knowing of course exactly what order the season goes in. but seriously gets worse. not only are the episodes jumbled but the app does not even load all the episodes you have in your library. from my experience it shows a maximum of 16 episodes from a show. also it does not pick the first 16 episodes, it just picks 16 random episodes and displays them in a random order.
this is what you get at the bottom.
so given no choice because the episode i want is for some stupid reason not being displayed i touch get more episodes, maybe that will just load the rest of them. maybe it is a cache issue and it only loads a certain amount. so lets touch that and see what happens. you are seriously not going to believe where it takes you.
Yep, thats right, it takes you out of the app and into the iTunes store to view episodes one can buy. this is such a pathetically designed app am having trouble finding adjectives severe enough to accurately portray how i feel about it. honestly it makes me want to find the human who programmed this and shove something pointy into his left eyeball. i do not understand how this can exist. i honestly can not understand how it has not been patched yet. i really do not understand how there is not a larger uproar over this steaming pile of feces that is this application.
in conclusion all i want to say is FUCKING FIX THIS SHIT. i am tired of this existing in the state it is.
ok i feel moderately better. :D
Hi Dave! Where did you go, man?! Hope all's well.
Tried email in URL but that doesn't do it it seems ...
All the best Dave.
good post
Thanks for writing this david. I am a big fan of Apple but everyone can let us down sometimes. Hope they do better the next time they launch something.
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