Thursday, June 3, 2010

Large Engineering Project Impossibility?

Nowadays I believe it is impossible to have a large engineering project commissioned. Some would argue that building a stadium, or a skyscraper would be considered a large engineering project, but I am talking more like the Hoover dam, the pyramids of Giza, the highway project in the 1950's and the transcontinental railroad. Those were true engineering projects and in the present I don't think that with all the regulation and union issues about, that it would be possible to start and finish such a large project without immense political whiplash or an incomparable amount of lawsuits.

Why it worked in the past...

Well frankly most of the worlds greatest projects were created using slave labor, or something very close to it. The pyramids were built by slaves who had no rights and did not see any kind of payment for building them. The amount that must have died during the long proccess of building all 138 pyramids must have been staggering.

The transcontinental railroad was built mostly by Irish and Asian immigrants. Whose working conditions would never pass in today's world. The rate at which they completed the project clearly means they worked well beyond the work day limit in today's world.

The Hoover dam was built as an economic boost for the depression, so men were eager to go to work on the project, 112 people died while building it. Something that would never be allowed to happen in the modern age. Even 1 death is a travesty nowadays, and would spread across news outlets like wildfire emphasizing how the project is doomed and how it was a terrible idea to begin with.

The 1950's interstate project is the most recent. Suggested by president Eisenhower It was immense, the goal was to connect the country in a way that was never before seen. much like the railroads in the 1800's the interstate was meant to enable travel to more places even easier. A trip that would take 30 days prior to the interstate now took two. Since it took place in modern times the conditions were quite good when compared to prior projects. However the price tag was a staggering 128 billion dollars. The pubs would have a cow if Obama wanted to spend that much money on a single engineering project.

That's not to mention union issues, where to manufacture goods, housing transfer, and so on. The cost for something that big is too high in today's world. The regulation would restrict it so the length would be ridiculous and it would be political suicide if the project went awry in any way.

I think the closest thing to these examples would have to be the Burj Dubai tower. However even that was built using sub par working conditions.

Why we need one right now...
The reason I bring this up is because take the Hoover dam for instance. When it was commissioned in the 30's it was designed to create jobs and boost the economy. It worked, and it also created the largest hydroelectric facility on the planet powering most of nevada and southern california. The country could use the boost in it's economy with a project of that size. Unfortunately it will probably never happen.

Obama has said multiple times that he plans to redesign and re construct our crumbling infrastructure. This means redoing roads, electrical distribution, water, and much more. I have not seen any progress in my home town just yet, but he may have this on the back burner since now he has to deal with finishing healthcare, the oil spill, 2-3 wars, terrorist issues, and so on. Hopefully he gets to it because we need the jobs and we need the economic boost that would surely follow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again

Engineering Project

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