Apple's newest product had more hype behind it than anything i can remember to date. so many expectations and hopes for a product that frankly was inevitable. for the most part i am satisfied with the product. i am not disappointed and i am not excited. just satisfied. i feel as though they filled that gap between smartphone and laptop rather well with this product. granted i am only making this opinion on what i have read and seen online. the product is still 60 days from shipping but i am waiting anxiously to hold one.
my main concern with a product like this was how am i going to type on it? apparently the on screen keyboard is fantastic. the keyboard dock is an awesome idea and will make the tablet style much more tolerable.
honestly i was totally unimpressed by the product until steve announced the pricing. i was floored. this device starting at $499. the kindle DX is the same price and is crap compared to this. nothing even comes close to this product, although technically apple just created a whole new class of device. it makes everything that just came out at CES look like junk. which makes this whole thing even better. time will tell if they will get any stiff competition (but they undoubtably will).
Whenever anyone buys a new product the one thing that should always be going through their minds is "is there going to be support for this product?". for instance, a game console is whether or not their will be games. or a music player on whether or not their will be music for it. whats really cool about the iPad is that their is already 140,000 things to do immediately out of the box. the inclusion of the ability to run apps from the app store is essential.
The potential for the iPad is immense. for instance the medical field. if a company were to write and app that allows for monitoring and diagnosing patients for this 10 inch multi-touch screen, it would be a godsend for the industry. the iPad is just the right size to be carried around and with a 10 hour battery life it is plenty to make it through a shift. plus they start at $499 so they are extremely affordable for the medical industry that already spends millions on computing devices.
Apple has succeeded in my opinion of creating a whole new class of product here. one with unlimited potential abroad a dozen different spectrums. once these things get out into the real world i'm sure people are going to fall in love with them.
I'm going to say it again because I don't understand how this wasn't addressed. If this is the piece of equipment that is going to "bridge the gap between iPhone and laptop" then where the hell is the multi-tasking and flash. Without these things it's just another iPhone. Apple needs to get their head on straight because if I want to use this in a business like setting (which is obviously the way they setup iWork and the projector capabilities) then I need to be able to have a chat program open while using iWork. I mean that is just the beginning of reasons why Apple needs to fix the lack of multi-tasking.
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