Anyone who has played Call of Duty 4 will attest to the tense action of calling in an airstrike and trying not to die in the process. as a player when that person works their way up to 5 kills and is awarded an airstike only two additional kills are required for a helicopter. so when they get the airstike and find safe place to place it, the game displays a flat map screen. the airstrike goes in a line in one direction throwing bombs down at the surface.
the problem here is if you want the airstrike to come in north to south, well you better hope it does cause it probably wont. they do what they want. it can come in east to west and hit nothing but buildings. it is absolutely stupid. who in the design team stood up and said, "I know lets not let the player control the direction of the airstrikes!", "BRILLIANT!". i just do not understand why i cannot control the direction of the airstike.
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