I went to the mall with my mom and sister saturday. they went for clothes but i went along to save gas and to swing on over to the at&t store for my iphone. and in our mall they so brilliantly decided to have the food-court at the farthest location possible. so we were walking and we started to get hungry and what is pathetic is the first thing we thought of was to go out and get in our car and drive around the mall park again and than walk into the food court instead of just walking threw the mall to the court. that is evidence that we live in the freest nation on the world. i pointed this out and we laughed at ourselves on our way out to the car. we ended up deciding half way driving there that we were not hungry anymore, but still the fact that we had that mindset just goes to show that we as americans are the laziest people on the planet.
at least we dont use those wheelchair things to get around cuz were too fat to walk. haha
kinda mean, but i guess so. :/
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