"this new planet found circling a red sun just a couple of days after kryptonite was discovered in Serbia. HMmMmMmMmM....?" Tom Merritt of Cnet
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Exciting New Planet Found!?!?!
A planet that is a size and a distance away from a star that can possible hold liquid water. this is amazing news and that it is only 5 times our planets size is still big but it holds great potential.

"this new planet found circling a red sun just a couple of days after kryptonite was discovered in Serbia. HMmMmMmMmM....?" Tom Merritt of Cnet
"this new planet found circling a red sun just a couple of days after kryptonite was discovered in Serbia. HMmMmMmMmM....?" Tom Merritt of Cnet
Amur Leopard Update
Maybe i am superman?
A new mineral was discovered which has virtually the same chemical composition as the kryptonite in the superman universe. the compound is sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide which Will be named Jadarite.
Monday, April 23, 2007
How much crazier can religious folk get. if you watch this video it is an actor trying to display his views through a kinda stand-up/play. but a religious group came to the show and halfway through got up and walked out as a protest. but not only did they interrupt a performance which is already rude, but they poured water on his notes on the way out. i mean seriously how ridiculous can you get. i wouldn't had been that mad if they had walked out and i don't think that mike would have been either but to have the nerve to pour water on his notes, now that is just immature.
Junk DNA
it has puzzled scientists for decades why only about 2 percent of our DNA codes for proteins. the other 97 or so just sits there doing nothing. they are vital to evolution by randomly inserting themselves into the other 2 percent of code to see just what happens. and therefor continuing the slow but certain evolutionary changes. also on the right side of the linked page there are other links to corresponding articles ,and one explaining what junk DNA is also linked here.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
April Fools Day Google Joke
I was wandering around the vastness of the Internet and stumbled upon an effort by Google to save energy. they have a search engine 'Blackle' which uses only black and white for there searches because it takes less energy to output black on a monitor.
Visit Blackle
Visit Blackle
Friday, April 20, 2007
Hacked Google
Go to Google and type in
'the greatest living American'
and click on search. see what the first link is, i think you will be surprised.
'the greatest living American'
and click on search. see what the first link is, i think you will be surprised.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Divert main power to the front deflector shields!
Yesterday it was announced that through control over magnetic fields that scientists can now create a shield that would protect the interior from outside radiation and other particles. much like the earth and how it deflects solar radiation from hitting the surface.

this is very promising technology, since NASA has a plan for a manned mission to mars. the main reason for delay was because of the intense solar radiation and the limited protection.
this is very promising technology, since NASA has a plan for a manned mission to mars. the main reason for delay was because of the intense solar radiation and the limited protection.
Depressing but nothing new.
Two posts in one today but they are related so i felt the need to clump them in one. the first is the depressing one, a species of leopard that has been adored and look upon as majestic is on the verge of extinct. there are only 25-34 left in the wild which is incredibly low. the leopard has no chance of living through the next 50 years if immediate action isn't taken.
but on the flip side species have come into existence and died millions of times throughout our planet history it is how the world works, can't have the same species forever.
The nothing new is that they have put out a schedule for our next 200 years according to global warming predictions.
but on the flip side species have come into existence and died millions of times throughout our planet history it is how the world works, can't have the same species forever.
The nothing new is that they have put out a schedule for our next 200 years according to global warming predictions.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Odd Future History
The predictions of the past 100 years written in year 1900. very interesting and also shows hints on things we might be incorrect about for our next 100 year prediction.
What Might Have Happened
What Might Have Happened
Monday, April 16, 2007
More Effects Than We Would Like To Admit
According to the recant studies and at this link their are more details, cellphone usage and the waves they transmit disrup bee communication. wierd but it kinda makes sense. if we are driving down bee population by just cellphone use than who knows what other effects we may be causing without knowing it.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Back to the Damn Grind
my spring break ends tommarow, which means in my case that i have to get used to going to school AND working everyday.
in the news that i care about, two new halo maps to be released on tuesday even though this is a rather stale topic because everyone is buzzing about it. i feel the need to put it into writing just one more time. the new maps are a flashback to halo 1 multiplayer. Derelict (a round almost symmetrical map) and Hang em High one of my favorite maps. they are brought up to date with new graphic design, manuevurability updates, and exciteing new weapon placement. i hear both these maps will be balanced but then again they also said that about turf. they will cost 4 dollars and will eventually be free, but since i am impatient i will be one of the many purchasing these add-ons on the day they are released. the link leads to the bungie site where their are photos. if interested.
in the news that i care about, two new halo maps to be released on tuesday even though this is a rather stale topic because everyone is buzzing about it. i feel the need to put it into writing just one more time. the new maps are a flashback to halo 1 multiplayer. Derelict (a round almost symmetrical map) and Hang em High one of my favorite maps. they are brought up to date with new graphic design, manuevurability updates, and exciteing new weapon placement. i hear both these maps will be balanced but then again they also said that about turf. they will cost 4 dollars and will eventually be free, but since i am impatient i will be one of the many purchasing these add-ons on the day they are released. the link leads to the bungie site where their are photos. if interested.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
My Zune on the left and Joe's on the right. i feel them getting stronger in popularity day by day. i see a new one or hear about a new one about once a week. plus with the new baby pink and watermelon red Zune coming out, i feel like they are going to be a rival with *tenses up and smirks* 20% of the digital music arena by the end of the year. they have more features and are backed with a long running trust able company.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
i said about a month ago now that i was going to do my project in english about evolution well it turned into it being about athiesm so it was alot more fun.
here is the link to the video on google.
here is the link to the video on google.
No one is a Vegetarian
people who say they are a vegetarian do not eat meat right well you would be surprised on what they use as exceptions and even worse the reasons why they are exceptions.
it is defined by Webster that Meat is animal tissue used as food. so then why is fish not a meat. when i confronted a few people about this and must i add that they were religious, they commented that it is not a meat because the religion says it is not and that is why for instance they can eat it during lent. the only logical reason i can come up with for explaining why fish is not counted as a meat is because back when the religions defined what meat was they said "its in the water so it is different then what walks on land, therefore it isn't meat." so i will make a similar conjecture. "so if fish is not meat, and meat is muscle therefore fish do not have muscle".
Shellfish is tricky because of the weird body structure it has an exoskeleton system so most people would say that the inners are not muscle and that the ligaments and exo control movement. wrong again, shellfish is meat because of the definition of what meat is. nothing more to say.
i hate using the triplet rule but i must since this is topic in which requires Consistancy, what i mean is i am going to quote again that by definition meat is animal tissue and on a bird there is animal tissue that a person eats, therefore it is meat. maybe not red meat but meat none the less.
Eggs are to meat just as nuts are to whatever group they go in. eggs could be argued into a separate group even though if you look at what they are. their animal tissue wrapped up in a nice little oval shape. even though it is odd to think of them as this but an egg is an undeveloped embryo which is animal tissue used as food.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Wi-Fi !?!?!
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